Landscapes April 10th


This workshop is ideal for intermediate stitchers to free motion embroidery and applique, a little dabble in freed motion will help.

We will be appliqueing fabrics onto a background fabric and using freemotion stitching to create a landscape. You can make this into cards or a wall hanging or just keep as a record of the processes you learnt on the day.

On this course, you will spend a day in Marksbury village hall (a small village near Bath BA2 9HP) creating your own textile piece.

I have a library of design ideas, as well as lots of samples and embroideries.

Free motion embroidery is an exciting technique where you are able to 'draw' with the sewing machine by lowering the feed dogs and moving the fabric around under the needle. It is also known as freehand sewing and thread painting. This is a technique that I have really refined over the years and I use it in all my textile pieces. I have a lot of experience in free-motion embroidery and teaching, you will learn how to use the sewing machine to its full potential - you'll be amazed at the results!

What to bring - please read!

Please bring your sewing machine, embroidery foot, general sewing kit, sharp scissors. 

Full list of materials to follow a week before the workshop.

Also bring a packed lunch, I will supply snacks and drinks for the day.

Your sewing machine needs to be able to lower the feed dogs to enable free-motion stitching, as well as a darning/embroidery foot for your machine.

If you don't have a sewing machine, you are welcome to rent one for £15; please select 'Rent a Sewing Machine' and the relevant date from the drop down menu.

Embroidery hoops can be useful but not essential and are available to purchase on the day if you feel you want one.

I will bring some fabrics but please bring your own fabrics too, patchwork fabrics or old clothes, if you have any hand dyed or printed fabrics, these will be perfect.

Bring an assortment of threads to stitch with.

A general sewing kit comprises spare bobbins, spare needles (machine and hand sewing), threads, small scissors for cutting thread, medium scissors for cutting fabrics, extension table.

All workshops take place in Marksbury a small village near Bath BA2 9HP. 

The workshop will run from 10.00am until 3.45pm, we then have until 4 to pack away.

Places on this workshop are limited to 10 so that I am able to spend as much time with each workshop participant as possible. 

If you have to cancel due to COVID, or any other valid reason, I will give you a 50% discount when you book onto another course in the future.

Please do not attend a workshop if you are showing any COVID symptoms.

I will cancel a workshop if I am feeling unwell.

I will also have to cancel the workshop 2 weeks prior to the day if I have less than 5 people attending.

What previous participants say:

"I absolutely loved this course. Jo is a talented and imaginative artist. Her excellent tutoring meant that the instructions were clear and set at a good pace. She didn’t intrude but was always available to help. Would thoroughly recommend a course with Jo. "

"Friendly atmosphere, clear instruction and encouragement from Jo. I felt filled with confidence, and as a result, produced something I was surprised I was so pleased with!"

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